The Roar of Joy That Set The Worlds In Motion
Is Reverberating In Your Body
And The Space Between All Bodies.
Beloved, Listen.
~The Radiance Sutras - Lorin Roche
I can't stop saying this in triplicate ;) Si Si Si… who wants to come to Spain with me?
Must register by August 1st. Bring a friend and save 10%. We will dive deep into Tantric Vinyasa via Para Yoga Teachings as a way to thrive on and off the mat. Twice daily Yoga practices that nurture and bring out the best in you and will include asana, breath, deep rest and meditation. Excursions, Exquisite Nature, Delectable Culinary Treats, and Relaxing Spa Treatments will accompany our time together. Give a Roar of Joy and Register Today! A RE-TREAT of a Lifetime ~ You deserve it.
More information and registration here>>

So many links, so much goodness... There is Gold in the summertime and I give a roar of Joy for the opportunity to share these offerings with you.
I adore your presence and you make me a better me. During the interview I asked Matt what One thing he knew for sure and his answer is that "We are Better Together." Amen to That.
We are All One.
Only Love,