"I have a Universe inside me where I can go and Spirit guides me." ~ Sinead O'Connor
I recently returned from a stellar weekend in Los Angeles where I once again dove into The Four Desires (formerly offered as The Yoga of Fulfillment) with my teacher Yogarupa Rod Stryker. This was the first time I have done the 3-day vs. the 5-day format and I must say it was potent! We clipped along, crafting and sculpting our Dharma Codes and sankalpas till they were refined, manifesting gems. The corresponding practices ignited and renewed my already lit lamp.
I’m compelled to interject here for a moment. I live in Phoenix and planned to drive. First I went to the mechanic to make sure everything was O.K. as the engine light was on. I’ve heard it said that our cars mirror what’s going on within us. He said I needed 4 new spark plugs. Ha! No big surprise there! I’m going to the 4 Desires workshop to get sparked from the inside out. Juice for the soul!
The real juice for me is meditation. My sankalpa (resolve) is to meditate more so that I know with crystal clarity what to do next. In other words, heed the call of my heart and listen to the voice of wisdom. That source is inside me (and you), not in searching outside of us. When I get really quiet, there is a tranquil calm that effortlessly guides me and I want more of that. I already meditate, so why use that as my resolve? The answer is simple… to go deeper; to have a more dedicated practice. I was tired of trying to steal 20 minutes here and there throughout the day, trying to fit it in with everything else. I made a commitment to get up everyday between 4 and 5 a.m. to meditate as that is the most auspicious time according to the sages and I must say it is sublime! According to tradition this is the Brahma Muhurta, the hour of God, where at this time you are still in the world of dreams, the world of energizing and fulfilling dreams from which reality will grow. Couple that with yoga nidra and you have a recipe for success!
There is so much going on in the world today that can knock us for a loop if we don’t start the day with inspiration. Meditate to go inward and link to that which is unchanging in this forever changing world and then nothing can throw you off center. The word for health in Sanskrit is Svasta. It means to be established in oneself, the essence of being. Therefore, the true meaning of health is to be our most authentic self. Mine your own gold through the medium of meditation and be prepared to reveal the treasure that is You!
Not sure what I’m talking about? Four Desires, Dharma Code, sankalpa, yoga nidra? Get the book if you dare. http://www.rodstryker.com/four-desires I guarantee your life will change for the better if you read it and practice with sincere effort. You too can heed the call of your heart and live a more meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment. Or better yet find your way to one of the interactive weekends offered this year and get your spark plugs on! :)
Ah Yes, back to the spark plug story… So I did some research on what they do. A spark plug is the part of an internal-combustion engine that provides the spark to ignite the mixture of fuel and air. So the way I see it; it’s alchemy, to amplify performance and to burn brighter. Thanks, Yogarupa for being the Spark!
From the universe of love and light inside me,