"When we listen to our natural rhythms,
We are tuning in to a pulse that is much
deeper than our everyday life." -Chameli Ardagh

Hi Everyone!
I’ve just returned from a visit to my teacher’s home in Colorado. Last Thursday and Friday were beautiful, sunny 60 degree days. Saturday morning I awoke to a Winter Wonderland. Pristine white blanketed the hills as sunlight glistened between the branches laden with snow fall.
What a difference a day can make. Everything is in constant flux. Nature is a continual reminder of this. Everything is in perfect timing even when it doesn’t appear to be. Holiday season is approaching and with it a sense of hustle and bustle. When we push the natural order of time we become uncomfortable. Attuning to the essence of our time, becoming one with our time, life flows effortlessly and we enjoy being in it.
Yoga and meditation can help us regain Balance during this transitional time. I am thrilled to once again offer my annual Holiday Classes at Dance Theater West beginning with Thanksgiving Day at 10 a.m.
I am also very excited to be the Phoenix Ambassador forAlanna Zabel’s CLK Foundation. Please scroll down to read more about this. An update on location will follow soon.
I am so honored to have had the opportunity to interview my friend, the lovely Sara Bareilles for the current issue of Origin Magazine. Pick your copy up at Whole Foods or read it here. My teacher Rod Stryker is also interviewed in this issue.
And on another note, my good friend Thad Beatty fromSugarland is in Phoenix this weekend participating in the Ironman event. Read his inspirational storyhere!
There is a light, a passion in each one of us. Take time this holiday season to nurture stillness and connect to the creative pulse that allows you to be in your own perfect timing!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In deep gratitude and from love,