Happy New Year Everyone!
"The universe is wired for miraculous electricity. We're the lamps who need to plug ourselves in." ~ Marianne Williamson
I feel like 2012 is the year to really light up from within and glow like the moon, nearly full, its destiny just around the corner. It's our destiny to be full too! Sometimes we need to recharge in order to emit a more powerful current of creative expression. To plug in, do things that nourish and feed your soul this year. Eat plenty of fresh organic food. Get outside and allow your senses to delight in nature where you discover once again your own true nature. Move your body, exercise, do yoga. Meditate!!! Keep good company. Get plenty of rest and be a lamp unto yourself! Marianne Williamson says "As we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." So what do you say friends and yogi's? Let's sparkle and shine in 2012!
Only love, Mary
P.S. Check out my teachers new book The Four Desires. It's a blueprint on how to manifest your destiny and live your life to it's fullest potential.