Seeds grow in the dark — so do we
Let’s stop making such a virtue out of the light
Let’s turn toward what’s in the shadows
Let’s breathe it in, breathe it here
Meeting it face to face
Until we realize
That what we are seeing
Is none other than us
In endarkened disguise
Seeds grow in the dark — so do we
Let’s not be blinded by light
Let’s unwrap the night
Building a faith too deep to be spoken
A recognition too central to be broken
Until even the darkest of days
Lights our way ~ Robert Masters

Last week ushered in a host of auspicious Nature. The Vernal Equinox coincided with a new moon and a solar eclipse. It’s been a time of letting go of old stories, ancient patterns, and habits that keep us stagnant and feeling small. As we dissolve these illusions and heal ourselves we also heal three generations back and pay it forward.
I was recently back east at the Himalayan Institute and was fortunate enough to have a private session with the wise and wonderful Shari Friedrichsen. Check her out online here She said to me “You can teach yoga as long as you like but your real life work is to heal yourself, your wounds.” We all have them right?
I love to bask in the Light, especially this time of year when the valley is dripping in tendrils of gold pouring forth from the laden branches of the Palo Verde and the heavenly scent of orange blossoms fill the air. Yet… seeds grow in the dark, where after a period of maturation and ripening dazzle us with their spectacular display of the creative force.
There is a period of hibernation, hermitage if you will. I had the proverbial rug pulled out from underneath me just before the holidays and naturally and humanly went into a bit of a panic. Friends and family either vacillated telling me, “it’s all good” and or leading me toward action. Instinctively, I knew I needed to do things differently if I wanted a different outcome. So, I drew away from the noise and chaos and decided to take No action. I chose to sit with what is, to sit in acceptance, to rest, restore, nourish, create space and actively wait to envision what new wanted to come forward. It is and still is a process. I leaned into my practices of softening attention, pausing into everyday sacred moments and communing with nature, whether it be an exquisite sunset hike; an external reminder of the glory of God or sitting in stillness; a portal to the Divine within.
Lo and behold, slumbering passion, dormant creativity came into play. Yoga would call this Lila, the divine play of Life. Out of the dreaming watery Pisces comes the inner fire of Aries, bringing with it a new awakening. It’s time to recommit, evolve and take a stance of power. Not a patriarchal power that comes from expectations and the demands of the outer world but a power anchored in the feminine; one that grows in valiant fearlessness and self illuming light each time we recognize and honor her wisdom.
Power is in being brave enough to enter into the dark with interest and curiosity to meet ourselves with tenderness and compassion and to listen… really listen for as long as it takes, and only then emerge to follow the boldness, to align with and trust the wisdom of dharma to support us and light the way.
One of the ways to align with dharma is to listen to that soft voice that whispers to you everyday. It’s your inner GPS, a navigational tool that grows in power as you build the muscle of believing yourself and daring to follow the impulse that leads you home to what you knew all along. First we have to still the mind through yogic practice, breathing techniques and meditation so that we can recognize that which is not so mysterious after all!
If you want to learn more about Creating a Life of Purpose and Passion, Thriving in all areas and Manifesting your Desires, come to San Francisco with me at the end of May where I will be assisting my Teacher Yogarupa Rod Stryker with The Four Desires Workshop.
Prior to that, my boldness is leading me in collaboration with Gather Yoga to Italy, Switzerland and France from April 1-27, for another golden opportunity to connect with brilliant yogi’s and yogini’s across the Pond. I find it interesting to note that as I am writing this I recall that when I am feeling less than and small, the world seems looming and large and when I relax into my true nature I remember that within me there is a light that lights the whole world, and then synchronicity appears everywhere in the connectedness of All that Is. This is true for each of us. And here is Lila at play again. We forget for the sheer delight of remembering again. There is treasure in the dark as we mine for our own gold and fill our wounds with it. This is how we become more Beauty-Full. Go gently into the darkened night for that is where you will land among the stars and take your rightful place among them.
May this week’s lunar eclipse, followed by the full moon on the eve before Easter enhance your burgeoning, blooming Spring Spirit. Joy to You as you rise up into your ever-evolving powerful Being.
Only love,
p.s. Stay tuned for other exciting news upon my return. Rumor has it there’s a new studio opening and I will be joining their team of teachers. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the most current information.