“It is the time to invite fire into our lives fire to burn away all that we have outgrown and all that no longer serves us; fire that makes the wild things grow in us, for which our inner selves have longed..."
~ Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw from Celebrating the Great Mother"
On Sunday we celebrated summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night. At a mystical level it is to celebrate light ~ the power of light over darkness ~ to celebrate life itself ~ life at its fullest. This is really our only obligation ~ to bring the best brightest version of ourself to the forefront of life. In the Rig Veda, one of the oldest known yoga treatises the first verse is Om Agni Mide, "I meditate on the fire that brings me to the front of existence."
Our star, the sun, is a ball of fire in the sky. It supplies energy for life on earth. It is essential to our existence and like the sun we possess the power to nurture and sustain. To nurture by inviting fire into our lives, to burn away our habits and patterns that no longer serve us and to sustain that which ignites passion to fulfill our desires to propel us into the lap of dharma. Each one of us has a dharma code, a unique purpose to fulfill in this world, a spiritual blueprint that is a guiding force for that which we have longed. When you align with Nature and play that unique note in the symphony of creation you become a beacon of light and a force unto yourself. This is what the world thirsts for ~ more people living on purpose. This is the energy of the solstice ~ to burst full force into being. When we remember our light, the deep root of our being, we remember our connection to one another and that we belong to each other.
Check out my new schedule at Moksha Yoga Phoenix. I am here most of the summer and I would love to see you!
May we stay cool in our head, burn bright in our heart, and blossom in the gold of summertime. Be humble for you are made of earth; be noble for you are made of stars.
Only Love,